

  • 时间:2016-11-29 17:26:54
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Follow our life level, the attention of the PC board, phasing out at the mall. In the modern changes in the market, use of modern PC board has been widely built and days, such as the greenhouse roof, office buildings, public facilities, industrial building, decoration decoration indoor swimming pool ceiling partitions, this is because the PC panel has remarkable permeability, lighting, noise and other effects, especially a variety of color selection can add a beautiful city, the development trend of the PC panel is good, so in the future market and mid-range PC board will be senior board replacement.
PC board is a kind of inductive function excellent engineering plastic, PC board lit the king of plastic, electrical and thermal function, has a remarkable impact resistance, heat insulation, sound insulation, lighting, uv protection, flame retardant, etc.
There is a skeleton in PC board requirements, and the distance of the skeleton based on sunshine board, usually is 2.1 * 6 m. The skeleton is the best distance of 1.05 x 1 meter, and the circular arc of the best. Because PC board itself is very soft, assume that skeleton is too wide, brief twists and turns under the snow.

Panel PC board lit degree function, energy saving heat transfer coefficient as high as 82%. PC board insulation is good. The impact of the PC board in 10 mm plate 200 jins would appear crack, temperature programming for sunshine plate width on the stability of physical function in 40 degrees - 120 degrees, the climate ageing test 4000 hours.
PC board is widely used in public building, lighting and file access awnings, highways sound barriers, the roof greenhouse, shopping mall, is the ideal material in the world, is the most ideal, is popular in esteem sages and modern building decoration work of a new generation of products.
Specification of goods are lit, blue, brown, white, blue, green, green grass and so on.

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