

  • 时间:2016-12-21 15:13:42
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PC board is a kind of new building materials in the market now, because he's function together is being used more particularly category, such as in some function similar to replace, and able to counter their local defects.
Glass, is let's now days down the contrast of commonly used building materials, daylighting is able to say that the glass is now our days and building materials plays an irreplaceable figure.
However, any kind of goods has its double sides, such as glass protects against lighting strike in must degree, but because of the fragility of glass, picked up a big bundle makes it in application.
But PC sunshine board endurance board finally in our need to call out. PC sunshine plate endurance plate for one with the function of the recognition of the masses. PC sunshine board in terms of contrast and glass, PC endurance plate was able to replace. PC endurance plate, for example, weatherability and lighting, the advantages of PC endurance plate to uv radiation shine for a long time, excellent, and energy saving, lit, insulation. Its clarity and glass same simply, and has since the function of the fire, not the most excellent fireproof materials. PC endurance plate and glass under the equivalent standard component than glass half light.
In general, PC board has all the characteristics of glass, and more excellent local PC board with it.

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