

  • 时间:2017-03-30 16:33:03
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(polycarbonate film) referred to as PC thin film: (thickness between 0.05mm-1.2mm called a thin plate, 1.5MM-15MM called thick plate)


With the continuous development of science and technology, optical grade PC film is widely used in the field of optical lens. With its unique characteristics of high light transmittance, high refractive index, high impact resistance, dimensional stability and easy processing, polycarbonate has a very important position in the field. In addition, the optical lens made by optical grade poly carbonate with not only can be used for camera, microscope, telescope and other optical instruments, can also be used for film projector lens, lens, infrared projector copier automatic focusing lens, laser beam printer lens, and a variety of prism, mirrors and other office equipment and household appliances, the the market is extremely broad application. The polycarbonate in optical lens is another important applications as children's glasses and sunglasses lens material safety and adult glasses.


In recent years, with the development of the world glasses industry, polycarbonate consumption at an average annual growth rate has remained above 20%, showing great vitality of the market, as can be imagined, PC films will be closely related to our daily life.

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