

  • 时间:2017-04-18 17:40:34
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Because of its unique high quality, PC board has been widely recognized in architectural design, decoration engineering, environmental engineering and advertising. PC sun board application package mainly public buildings, industrial buildings, exterior decoration, decoration; train station, airport lounge and channel roof; agricultural greenhouse covering materials; highway and city road noise barrier etc.. In our country, a number of key construction projects such as the Shenzhen international trade building, Beijing Shangri-la Hotel, Sichuan Hotel, Beijing World Park, Beijing West Railway Station and Shanghai viaduct insulation materials were pioneered in sunshine. There are many parts of the plant for the production of sunshine plate, such as Suzhou Jiasipu Plastic Co. ltd..


At present, the construction of our country's modern agricultural greenhouse mainly uses glass and double-layer film as the covering materials for greenhouse construction. The main problems existing in the construction of the modern greenhouse using these materials are the high energy consumption and poor ability to resist natural disasters. As the fourth generation covering material of the modern agricultural greenhouse, the sunlight board has the advantages of high strength, low energy consumption, strong resistance to temperature difference and so on.


In our country, the main greenhouse construction in some northern city, the form of all sunshine board built greenhouses, gable wall and side wall board construction using sunlight greenhouse; production of greenhouse in production in the greenhouse effect, commercial type to flower trading center based greenhouse, and based on scientific research the greenhouse and so on.


Different cover materials will be used in greenhouse. These cover materials are glass, polyethylene (PE), poly vinyl chloride (PVC), polyester greenhouse plastic film, plexiglass (PMMA), poly (vinyl chloride) (PVC) and polycarbonate (PC) materials, such as plastic plates. In the selection of cover material, the main consideration of life, impact strength, thermal insulation, the use of the transmission and reflection, etc..


The contents of the above by the Jiasipu PC board for your order, I hope to help you.

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