

  • 时间:2016-12-02 10:52:39
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Polycarbonate PC board is a PC board or panel booth canopy cover material. The sun at the mall on the PC board in the canopy on the root end has the following three types: hollow sun plate, solid structure, determine the plate. Hollow plate cost is the cheapest, the most by the use of solid board structure, locking plate is one of the most bento equipment.
According to market research some query, PC board lake blue tent panel is one of the largest store in the mall now, the second is the green grass, is lit again, relative to other less color and say. Light blue and green grass in the lake is not lit, shading effect is very good, and colour is magnificent, more popular among consumers.
For the panel thickness of the PC board, hollow plate sun 8 mm and 10 mm in comparison, the commonly used solid sheet; 2 mm and 3 mm in comparison, the structure of the commonly used; Plate and hollow sunshine board, 8 mm and 10 mm thickness. Commonly used to according to their preferences to customize the factory.
For data selection are the most crucial some canopy construction, choose the most suitable material, convenience of engineering, materials, and the sunshine board or panel is the most common canopy cover material.
Using the PC board or panel as the interests of the canopy cover material and characteristics:
PC板耐力板的透光率在80% - 90%,在阳光照耀下不会发生泛黄,雾化,透光差。
PC board endurance plate light transmittance in 80% - 90%, will not happen in the sunshine yellow, atomization, pervious to light.
Flame retardant, flame retardant, spontaneous combustion temperature of 630 ° C, PC board to flame retardant engineering data, and self-extinguishing. Burning does not occur when poisonous gas, which is unfavorable for the extension of the fire.
Heat resistance, cold heavy function: PC board is a kind of thermoplastic plastic shock, PC board endurance plate strong weatherability, sunshine in the temperature program for 40 to 120 degrees Celsius temperature, not cause deformation of goods or change.
Resistance to impact, the impact strength is common glass 250 times, 30 times that of organic glass.
Light weight: the weight is light, is one of the glass of the same thickness of 15 points, can be directly cold bending, the construction of a brief lunch.
Expect the above introduction can let us very good choose their demand information.

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