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Polycarbonate (PC) plate can be processing function is good, for the use of habits in different operations, can be carried out on the PC board secondary processing, primary contains: cut PC board, PC board bending, PC board carve punch, PC board, PC board adhesive, etc. Let's secondary processing on the PC board is necessary to have the most perfect knowledge of the function of the PC board
PC board (the first can be divided into the sunshine board and endurance plate), can be used for open the standard wood or metal processing equipment, choose for PVC gusset plate plastic board is plan of the saw blade has very good effect. General circular saw, band saw and handsaw etc all can use, also can use portable chainsaw, careful cutting plate is slower, prevent the broken plate.

Sunshine with thin thickness plate can be cut with short and sharp blade. You can also use a special manual longitudinal incision lasso. Any circumstances be careful cut in place near support, prevent shivering, and through the dust and broken when night eradicated, adhere to the plate clean.
阳光板和耐力板可耐受多种化学品的腐蚀,对于此外的一组化学品,它的耐受才调有限,还有一组化学品会对板材构成损坏。损坏程度依赖于腐蚀的严重性以及显露 的时间。建议选用氯丁橡胶(cr)三元乙丙胶条(EPDM)和中性硅胶等进行密封。如选用其他资料,PC板则应考虑与阳光板和耐力板的化学相容性。此外,该资料 的线膨胀和耐老化功用也要与阳光板和耐力板相比较。
Sun plate and endurance can tolerate a variety of chemical corrosion, for a group of chemicals, in addition to adjust its tolerance is limited, there is a group of chemicals will be on board damaged. The seriousness of the damage depends on the corrosion and show time. Chloroprene rubber (cr) is a suggested alternative EPDM gaskets (EPDM) and neutral silicone seal etc. If choose other materials, should consider to chemical compatibility and sunshine board and endurance board. In addition, the data of linear expansion and ageing resistance function is compared with the sun plate and endurance.

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